I get a time-out message when trying to connect to the app.

There are several possible causes for time-outs, most of which have to do with specific settings in your router.

In general, if you have problems connecting, we can always recommend setting up a guest network on your router that only uses the 2.4 GHz band. Please refer to your router's manual to find out how to do this. When you connect your phone to this network and restart the pairing process, your phone and device will be on the same WiFi band. If you can connect your Duux device in this way, you can connect your smartphone to your regular WiFi network again and still control your device.

Additional solutions to connection problems can be found in the Duux app. These can be found by pressing the cog icon in the top left corner, clicking on 'FAQs' and scrolling down to the 'Connect' tab.

Note: The above explanation applies only to Beam, Beam Mini, Blizzard, Whisper Flex (Serial number starting with 21CF or lower), Bora, Threesixty, Tube and Bright (Serial numbers ending with: DXPU06: 0500001 - 0501800 & DXPU07: 0500001 - 0501600)