Blog -Duux wins 2 iF Design Awards!

if 2023 app

Duux Wins 2 iF Design Awards!

We are thrilled to announce that Duux has won not one, but two prestigious iF Design Awards for our innovative products! Our Edge convector heater and new smart app have been recognized for their outstanding design and functionality.

The Edge convector heater is not only stylish and sleek, but also incredibly functional. Key features include quiet operation, energy-saving mode, adjustable temperature and an intuitive control panel. The iF Design Award jury praised the Edge for its exceptional design, ease of use and energy efficiency.

if 2023 edge











Our new Smart app also won an iF Design Award for its intuitive interface and numerous features. The app allows users to control their Duux devices from anywhere, set schedules and receive notifications when air quality or temperature changes. The judges were impressed with the user-friendly design, seamless integration and ability to always stay informed about your indoor climate.

The iF Design Award is a highly respected and internationally recognized design award, honoring outstanding achievements in design, innovation, and usability. The award is judged by an international panel of design experts, and winning products are recognized for their exceptional quality and functionality.

At Duux, we are incredibly proud to have won two iF Design Awards, and we believe that this recognition reflects our commitment to excellence and innovation in design. We are dedicated to creating products that are not only beautiful but also highly functional and intuitive, and we look forward to continuing to innovate and push the boundaries of design in the future.

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