Blog - Maurice de Hond: "Great influence of air humidity on spread of Coronavirus".

Maurice the Dog

Maurice de Hond: "Major influence of air humidity on spread of Coronavirus."

Social geographer and pollster Maurice de Hond explained today in RTL Business Class what the effect of air humidity is on the spread of the Coronavirus. De Hond states that the relationship between the influenza virus and specific air humidity has been conclusively demonstrated and that this relationship also applies to the COVID-19 virus.

In literature he comes across two possible reasons why this is so:

  • The droplets that leave an infected person when sneezing, coughing or coughing stay suspended (much) longer in dry air than when the air is humid, according to Dr. A. Evangelista.
  • The influenza virus has (just like COVID-19) a so-called lipid envelope. Scientists reason that it is conceivable that this membrane is damaged by a lot of water in the air, which makes the virus harmless.

This applies to both outdoor and indoor use.

Watch the fragment of the broadcast of RTL Business Class in which De Hond explains his analysis at Harry Mens:

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